
B2B Lead Generation Agency

We bring you Targeted, Qualified & Ready To Buy Customers with a “Service Guarantee”!

Ever wondered what it would be like to have a steady flow of qualified and ready to buy customers for your sales team to close without the headache of endless hours on the phone with no results to show for it?

Use Great Data:

Our data Our experts will source and build an accurate list of "high quality leads" with key decisionmakers for your campaign.

Profile Your Prospect:

We make sure we truly understand your prospect's pain points.

Prepare Your Approach:

We work with you to ensure we are knowledgeable about your products and services.

Make First Contact:

We will generate interest with the decision makers who have a genuine interest in your products & services

Where Lead Generation Meets Marketing Automation
Business Intelligence.

How It Works

Defining your audience is just the first step in working out the underlying strategy behind any marketing campaign. Getting them to raise their hand or request more information about your product or service is another.

Tell us what you need to close the deal and we'll get it done!

What's In It For You

Identify Prospects Looking For Your Solution

Increase Close Rate

Forcast ROI

Shorten You Sales Cycle

Gain More Market Share

Boost Your Bottom Line


Proud To Call These Organizations Customers!

Prospects who are a good match for your products or services with pain points your solution can solve, so you can adjust your proposals accordingly. This way you’re targeting the right person, at the right company, at exactly the right time, as they’re ready to buy and can be converted into new customers.

Your close rate is only as strong as your weakest link. That link is the advanced intel you need to not only prepare to meet with the target prospect, but also to make sure you have a sound solution ready to go that will directly address the prospect’s pain points. This is where we come in. We specialize in getting you that intel you need. So if your close rate on most deals is 20% on a first meeting, our goal is to increase that close rate to 80, 90 of even 100%.

Prospects who are a good match for your products or services with pain points your solution can solve, so you can adjust your proposals accordingly. This way you’re targeting the right person, at the right company, at exactly the right time, as they’re ready to buy and can be converted into new customers.

For example, if you have a 6-month sales cycle, you need to nurture a lead over that 6-month period. It also means a minimum of 6 nurturing patterns over the life of that lead until it closes. Now, multiply those minimum 6 interactions by the number of leads, times the number of sales reps, distributed over your entire sales team. That’s an enormous number of wasted man-hours chasing opportunities. (In reality, it actually requires at least 3 times the number of interactions per month via, email, chat, text, phone calls, social media interaction, etc.)

How do you gain more market share or convince your competitor’s customers to switch and do business with you? Many business owners would probably tell you “one customer at a time.” Now, while that old adage still has some value, we have a different philosophy. The idea is while you’re growing one customer at a time through the front door, your competitors is also trying to steal a half dozen at a time through the back door. The process of increasing your market share is endless and you can never stop trying to win new customers. Our goal is to help you gain more market share by consistently delivering an entire pipeline of ready to buy customers every day, every week, every month for the life of your campaign.

For over a decade, we have focused on building lasting partnerships with our clients, helping them improve their bottom line. Many companies use a multitude of ways to boost their bottom line, many fail to produce real results. For example: Time and money invested in training employees, unnecessary costly overhead expenses, decrease of office lease, allowing employees to telecommute, reduce cost on insurance, office supplies, decreasing wages and benefits…. especially administrative fat in the sales department. Almost every one of the above categories is directly or indirectly related to the cost of new customer acquisition and customer lifetime value. We will boost your bottom line by increasing the flow of new customers at a fraction of the cost. So, if you can handle an increase in new revenues, then we have the means, people, and technology to get you there.

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